We have a new location at 517 S. 22nd Ave, suite 1. Come see us at our beautiful new clinic where we integrate ancient wisdom with modern science to give you the best in complementary health care!
Our purpose for being here is to help you feel better. Physical pain, internal disorders, and emotional distress reduce your ability to be happy and healthy. We want to provide those health care services that will effectively correct or relieve your most pressing concerns, help you understand the nature of your condition, and show you how we can work together to achieve better health by integrating ancient wisdom with modern science.
Dr. Davis is committed to providing excellent clinical care while teaching his patients and students how to take care of themselves. To that end he developed The Health Movement and has been teaching classes in Qigong, Taiji and Spinal Health care since 1986. He would like to acknowledge his sincere thanks to the following teachers:Jean Yu, Shouyu Liang, Ken Cohen, Roger Jahnke, Eva Wong, and Chris Luth.
Ronald Davis has practiced and studied many types of qigong and taiji since 1985. He enjoys teaching others so that they may attain the benefits of these health-enhancing systems that help them to fully express their potential for a better life. His quest is to know what it is that gives people the blessing of well-being.
Dr. Ron Davis 517 S. 22nd Ave, suite 1 Bozeman, MT 59718 406.586.8190 bcacc@earthlink.net