Featured facility in the 2010 Missoula Parade of Child Care Providers.
We will be closed Thursday, November 25th ( Paid Provider Holiday), but open on Friday, Nov. 26th.
We are working towards future accreditation from NAEYC. Link to learn more about NAEYC Accreditation.
Discovery Preschool is a licensed Center for children ages 12 months thru 6 years old. Our Mission is to provide children with a safe and nurturing learning environment and varied experiences which help them develop socially, intellectually, physically and emotionally in a manner that is age-appropriate. Our facility provides four separate classroom spaces- Infant/ Toddler Rooms, for children 12 -24 months, 2 Year Classroom, and two Preschool classrooms for children ages 3 -4 and 4- 6 years old. There are two playground spaces with developmentally appropriate structures and equipment. For additional information please see "Our Program" page. Downloadable parent information on "Staff and Rates" page.
We offer arts experiences that are open-ended, creative movement, creative ballet, and music experiences, as well as an introduction to Spanish and Zoo Phonics. Our food program introduces children to foods from around the world. Our theme-based curriculum integrates a variety of arts and cultural experiences for preschoolers. We also offer before and after school care for Kindergarteners at Lewis and Clark school. We furnish both full time and part time childcare to our families. For the majority of our children, we provide a preschool experience in a full day child care setting.
We are not currently accredited, however we are participating in the Self-Study process towards future accreditation from NAEYC. We will focus on and work toward achieving the guidelines and standards set by the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). Our goal is to receive NAEYC accreditation by 2012.
for continued growth in both large and
small motor development. - We believe in the importance and value
of the arts in children's learning and
For more information contact Discovery Preschool and Childcare Center, Inc.
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