I am a Equine sports and canine massage practitioner. I am insured and have been practicing since 2006. Please note that I am not a veterinarian. I do not practice veterinary medicine.
Improving Muscles, Flexibility and Relieving Pain.
Give them your all and they will give it back.
Bathing: Keeps coat healthy and free from dirt, dead skin, flea's and ticks.
Nail trimming: Keeps nails from becoming overgrown and keeps dew claw healthy.
Ear cleaning: Discourages growth of parasites and bacteria.
Shaving paw pads: Keeps pad clean so ice, burs, etc. do not become imbedded.
Dog socializing: Dogs get to socialize with one another becoming more "dog friendly".
Benefits of Equine Sports Massage
Enhances tone and increases range of motion
Creates balance: Teaching body to work as one, instead of as a single limb.
Can help with tying up.
Encourages horse's willingness to perform.
Better communication between horse and rider.
Relieves pain and discomfort.
Enhances repertory function.
Increases muscle health, giving range of motion.
Increases lymph flow.
Gives puppies a sense of where their paws are.
Helps the body utilize food, water, exercise and sleep.
Gives acceptance to touch.
Pre and post operational massage can help calm the animal, enhancing circulation and lymph flow, which helps bring your animal in and out of anesthesia.