Pastor: Rev. Father Thomas M. O'Donnell
Deacon: Rev. Mr. Robert C. Miller
It is the Vision of SS. Cyril and Methodius to become an example of what it is to be a devout Catholic Community demonstrating to the greater community in which we reside, our energized and integrated relationship to Jesus Christ in all that we do. Jesus Instructed us to"Come, follow me," and
to "Be not afraid."
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
As Catholics, we sometimes find ourselves answering the questions of our non-Catholic friends and relatives concerning our beliefs, practices and worship. Occasionally, these questions are prompted by something more than simple curiosity. Is there someone in your life who might welcome a personal invitation to come and learn more about our faith? Or are you searching?
RCIA is a process in which individuals wishing to examine membership in the Catholic Church are helped in their journey of faith. Please invite anyone whom you think might be interested in beginning this process. Please contact Deacon Bob Miller or call the parish office at 227-5334.
+ Those persons searching out the possibility of joining the CatholicChurcheither non-baptized or baptized throughanother denomination.
+ Inactive Catholics who would like to take a second serious look at the Church.
+ Catholics who wish to clarify and enrich their Catholic identity.
MASSES FOR THE SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION WILL BE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 AT 5:30 PM (the Vigil Mass) and WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 AT 12:10 PM. This is a holy day of obligation when we celebrate our faith that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was graced by God in such a way that she was preserved from sin from the first moment of her existence.