A New Shop in Downtown Missoula, MT
Born of friendship, love of travel, appreciation of home, and the desire to be surrounded by beauty, Mariposa Studio plans to open its doors for retail business soon.
For those who also enjoy these things, Mariposa Studio brings together fabric, gifts, accessories, and home furnishings from afar. Most are hand made and eco-friendly treasures from India and Indonesia. They come to us from the personal collection of Handloom Batik. Usha and her husband George have been importing and designing textiles and handicraft in Southeast Asia for more than 35 years. Usha and her assistant Theo recently delivered a shipment to us for you to explore.
We are located in downtown Missoula at 438 East Broadway in the pink house on the corner of Jefferson across from MCT. Come visit us soon to browse, chat, and enjoy the wealth of choices.