At the Northwest Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, our goal is to take excellent care of your mental health. We understand being so afraid of saying the wrong thing, it’s frightening to be around others. We understand how mixed up with anger and resentment relationships can become. We understand feeling so hopeless and blue that even getting out of bed seems impossible. At NWCBT, we understand depression, worry, panic and other painful, confusing emotions and problematic behaviors that interfere with your quality of life, your functioning and your mental health.
We are a skilled, highly trained team of professionals, specializing in a form of psychotherapy which has been shown in over 375 scientific studies to be effective treatment for mental health problems. We will help you identify the perceptions and behaviors that are causing or contributing to problems, and teach the strategies and skills that promote change and improved mental health.
The Northwest Center for Cognitive Behavior. Effective, practical solutions for mental health challenges. So you can get on with your life.