Current conditions in Miles City, MT: Partly Cloudy and 56.0 More
Our Commitment To Serving You:
At Southeast Electric Cooperative Inc. (SECO), our mission is to provide reliable services to meet our member-owner's needs at reasonable rates. Our value is service. Our service is much more than providing electrical energy. We are also involved in educational scholarships, event sponsorships, electrical energy information and community involvement of all types.
SECO is a major employer in our sparsely populated corner of Montana with small pieces of South Dakota and Wyoming included in our service area. We have been in operation for 60 plus years and plan to be here 60 more.
We believe there is no better place to be living, working and raising our families and no better neighbors than you. Please call with any questions we can help you with. Don't forget that you are represented by a Board Member at monthly meetings. We urge you to give input (good or bad) to your representative.