The Montana Couples Connection website is for all couples committed to a serious, intimate relationship. What makes relationships work over a lifetime? What real dangers erode love? What skills help couples get through the tough times? Here you can find practical knowledge that you can use every day. We offer assistance in strengthening couple relationships, tips and ideas, links, and information about local programs, classes, and counseling for couples in Western Montana.
Our mission is to serve all couples who are committed to a serious, intimate relationship, formally married or not. We also offers information and services to individuals who are seeking knowledge and relationship skills to improve their current or future relationships.
The philosophy of marriage & relationship education is straightforward and simple: the more you can learn about the skills that successful couples actually use, the better your relationship will be. Now, for the first time, the knowledge and practical strategies that couples need are being taught, geared to the life-cycle: -- what makes relationships work over a lifetime, what are the real dangers that erode love, what skills help couples get through the tough times. This is practical knowledge that couples can put to use right away
The Montana Couples Connection is an independent association of local relationship educators and couples counselors and is not affiliated with any organization or religious institutions. We offer classes and materials to the public, for community organizations and agencies, and for various faith congregations.